Sunday, April 1, 2012

In search of spring (2) the awakening

  This oncology certificate almost got me but I survived and finished revising for the exam tomorrow . Studying something like Bevacizumab and Vinorelbine or None Small Cell Lung Cancer was too easy you know why ? because smoking KILLS really ! lung cancer is the leading cause of death among cancers! Cancer is the second cause of death after cardiovascular disease and in several decades it will become the first ! so please stop smoking !! STOP if you are smoking right now! 98% of lung cancer patients are smokers or ex-smokers!! over the years in medschool I actually love the work load on my brains it's like I developed several levels of tolerance in my mind and I'm actually tuned in even more to become a future doctor :) (March - April 2012)

Meanwhile I managed this week to take a vast selection of photographs and in this post I will present several panoramic shot that I'm kinda proud of :D

This panoramic photograph was shot by holding the camera in portrait orientation and taking several photographs and merging them in photoshop. You must have a powerful computer so it can be done quickly mine actually had 7.6 GB of RAM allocated only to photoshop!
This was today the 1st of April, there was little windchill but the sun was heating my head and shoulders to the point of burning them. In this photograph I wanted to capture the blue sky with the clouds  and especially the mountain line there in the background. In front of it there is  well I don't know how to "physically" explain it but yeah on the other side there is fog ! this fog was my main subject until I got to the roof and saw the hole picture... it was great :) 

This was my first panoramic shot for March. it is near my dorm (right beige building). see that tall building under construction and in front of it the half destroyed building ? well this is the shot that thousands of tourists take every year. (27th march)

as you can see here how I modified the picture ? I added this drama effect to the hole scene pumping up the contrast making it a little bit more high key and adding a little bit of bloom to the picture ! it trended quite a lot on

The next photograph is when my friend nicole took a picture of me practicing my stapling    capabilities @ raaouf's ! I actually find it quite challenging

Well after stapling I got this amazing shot of a nearby palm capturing the extreme blue color of the sky which I love ! I made the photo a silhouette effect one just because I enjoyed so much the blue color that I didn't want anything to cloud it ! nothing but a bit of black ! 

Of course where would I be without grasshoppers, Live ones this time

and of course the same shot of the blue and yellow flowers :

There was that day when it was really nothing to shoot !! the 25th march was one of these days but I got my 365 day project  so in the end I shot my dinner ! I had piroshki and salade a la russe with tea! the problem was that I really suck at taking pictures of food so I managed to create this composition to avoid the catastrophe of making a delicious meal look disgusting :

The 26th of march was a relief, I had a good time taking great photographs :D.
I'll start with the one taken at my university, the following pictures reflect that you can always find things to photograph..things that you had all the time under your eyes and never saw it until "the" day :D :
Rule of thirds at its best

Love the Yellow flower in isolation

The following shots were made near a local cemetery it was closed! but some great looking flowers were hanging off the wall that I spotted in the morning when I was walking to the hospital for my practice !
I really wanted to capture a good photo not just of the flower but the hole plant itself, I wanted to capture the feel of how it just hangs there freely...gracefully !

For several months I tried and I tried convincing Stephany that her eyes are awesome the pattern of her Iris is incredible ! for months I tried to take a shot... till the day she accepted 

The following shot was  made the 27th march, as you can see here  I played the drama card, juggled with layers and blending modes masking out the shadows..made the texture of the building pop out! I had problem with the statue of the virgin Mary because it was bright and the background was also bright ! I kinda managed myself by adding blacks under multiply blending mode. I took the shot because of the lighting the scene it had ! the weather was cloudy and I waited for the scene to peak out a little and I took the shot !

This cat was a shot made on the go ! I was walking with my friend back to the univ when my peripheral vision locked onto the cat ! a chance that I had the camera between my hand, I approached a little bit, struggled with the focusing and after I took the shot it ran away ! Gladly I found the cat on the other side.

Now I will present the Bee season!  Several shots of bees and spring ! this is a very beautiful season in lebanon ! I can take million of pictures of the same scenery and still have different shots
great luck with this shot ! I took my time position myself and the cam! it looked like it didn't even care that I was around. I adore this shot because of the line that the DOF created, you can see it a narrow line where the details are crisp, with the little details of the bee :)

I love those shots where the back is blurred but you can still know what's there !of course the flowers took my attention first!

DOF magic
Hope you liked my post :) check my page
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cheers !
damn I must go back study a bit for my oncology exam ! :@

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