Monday, March 19, 2012

In Search of spring 2012
That was complicated, I went with my dad to the nearby mountains (Niha -- El Hosn) to photograph my 4th and final photograph of the same scene titled "spring" and when I arrived to the spot...well there was still snow with some scorching hot sun.
I scanned the trees for blossoms, nothing ! well frustrated I started to photograph the nearby items of the road and I found quite interesting the different doors to different fields of still frozen cheery trees, apple trees, vine trees etc.
Here are some photographs of the gates I've taken alongside with the "yet to flourish" trees :

After walking back and forth I actually spotted some pretty cool things : a twisty branch , a little blossom (kindof), a little river with some ice in its stream and a guy on his tractor; have a look : 

Frustrated...I remembered that on my way to the mountains I spotted some sort of sign with bullet holes innit ! I wanted to photograph that to represent on how much this country is still f#$kd up! no control no nothing ! teenagers can have guns and go hunt birds ! the birds will soon become instinct!

The photo I choose for my 365 project is the following, I added like a little greenish filter gradient from top to bottom, enhanced contrast + bleach bypass; I wanted to give it that dramatic look somewhat scary look. I've also included some other shots with no processing :

Compare it to the other photo and see how the feel of the photograph changes

Hope you enjoyed the post ! be sure to check on my page like it and share it as well as share my blog :)page URL :

Stay tuned for new posts :D Cheers

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